Monday, April 23, 2012

Habit Forming

Grassbed #2 From the series self-portrait Ophelia
Tang Ling-Nah, 2004
Cities form habits and habits are formed in cities. Identifying who dictates human habits in terms of being a city-zen is a chicken-and-egg debate. Although it may be true that men created cities to their own like-ness (or to how they like it), men often transforms into a likeness (or being) that s/he see fit to become or continue to be a city-zen.
DOCS: Documents of Contemporary Slumbers
from the series The Great Levellers

Michael Lee & Bob Matthews, 2011

This Project Glocal satellite show at Art Informal challenges the curator, artists and audience to engage in a conversation that explores the many facets of city habits.  This is taking off from an agreement that habitation in the city breeds attitude, ethos, superstitions, choices, etc. that are engendered in city dwelling.

Tam Wai Ping, 2007

New and old works will be exhibited--new works will represent CITY people, infrastructure, objects and thoughts that are related to the suggested talking point, which is habit forming.  Old works of the same representation are considered to emphasize that glocal is not invented by the artists nor the curator to create a Project Glocal. It is to show that artists have been glocal all these years.  And this project is simply a venue to finally talk about it—glocal—a somewhat obvious but often ignored (if not actually dismissed) framework.